Southfield Primary

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Where learning comes to life

Year 6

Children in Year 6 start each term with a new topic which begins with a Wow Factor experience and ends with a Fantastic Finish. Children will enjoy books throughout each topic, with two that they will become very familiar with. The unit plans set out how subjects are woven throughout the topic.


Curriculum Overview

Autumn- Keep Calm and Carry On

Sensational Start: Holdenby House Visit – WWII Workshop/ Bletchley Park Visit/ Hindu Mandir Visit

Fantastic Finish – VE Day Celebration

Year 6 begin their final year at Southfield immersed in wartime Britain. They will visit Holdenby House in Northampton where they will experience life as evacuees of the time. The focus is on the significance of the Battle of Britain and what life was like during World War II. Children will use maps to mark battle sites both in Britain and across the world and through design technology they will develop their understanding of home grown food and seasonality. To celebrate the end of this topic the children will host a VE day celebration, an opportunity to reflect on all that they have learned and understand the significance of this milestone in history.

Autumn - Keep Calm and Carry On

Spring- Mountain Kingdoms

Sensational Start: Climb Quest Milton Keynes Visit/ GeoBus Fossils Workshop

Fantastic Finish – Creating a family tree

Reading the book King of the Cloud Forests by Michael Morpurgo develops children’s interest in learning about the Himalayan mountain range. Children are given an opportunity to challenge themselves at an indoor climbing centre giving them a hint of how difficult it would be to climb mountains. Through science, children understand how living things are classified and begin to understand evolution and inheritance. The work and life of the Palaeontologist Mary Anning is studied, in particular fossils which are then observed and sketched developing their drawing skills.
Spring - Mountain Kingdoms

Summer- Out Of Africa

Sensational Start: African Drumming

FF – Free Alem Demonstration/ Leaver’s Performance/ Residential - France

This is a thought-provoking topic, developing an understanding of the experiences of a refugee arriving in Britain and life during South Africa's apartheid. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the rich culture and diversity of each African country as well as to reflect on the influence of this in multicultural Britain. Traditional patterns and colours will feature in children’s artwork. The fantastic finish is an exhibition of work which parents will be invited to in addition to a leavers assembly. The end of Year 6, and their time at Southfield Primary, is marked by an opportunity to attend a residential visit to the Isle of Wight.

Summer - Out Of Africa